Ultima V2 PA is an accident insurance plan comes with extra benefits, so you can have total peace of mind. There are many plans you can choose from, depending on your needs.
Extra Features
• Provides extra 50% Renewal Bonus
• Double Indemnity cover
• Personal Liability cover
• Optional cover for Temporary Total Disablement Benefit
• Free Terrorism cover of RM20,000
• Optional additional cover for Terrorism up to RM200,000
Special Features
• Death and Permanent Disablement Benefit is payable over and above all other benefits.
• Definition of accident does not include the words “violent external and visible”.
• Loss of use of limb is treated as loss of limb.
• Reimbursement for Traditional Treatment of RM50 per visit subject to maximum RM500 per accident.
• Reimbursement for hospital room and board, clinical and medical as a result of Dengue Fever, Malaria or Japanese Encephalitis.
• Reimbursement for Medical Equipment necessary to assist in the mobility.
• Reimbursement for Medical Report or Postmortem Report.
• Service Tax on Medical Expenses incurred is payable.
• Higher limit for Funeral Allowance.
Free Extensions
• All natural disasters
• Disappearance
• Drowning, suffocation by smoke or poisonous fumes
• Exposure to the elements as a result of an accident
• Food poisoning
• Hijacking not arising from war like action
• Hunting
• Insect bites, snake bites and animal bites which cause immediate injury
• Intoxication (except drunken driver as governed by the law)
• Most games and sports (as amateur only)
• Motorcycling
• Mountaineering (not involving the use of ropes)
• Murder and assault
• Riot strike and civil commotion
Table Of Benefits And Premium
Table Of Benefits
Pays lump sum in the event of accidental death.
Permanent Disablement
Pays lump sum as specified in Permanent Disablement Scale in the event of permanent disablement as a result of an accident
(click here to view PD scale )
Temporary Total Disablement Benefit (Optional Cover)
Pays up to 52 weeks if Life Insured is totally unable to attend to his/her work due to injury caused by an accident as certified by a qualified and registered medical practitioner.
Medical Expenses
Reimbursement for the actual, necessary and reasonable medical, clinical, medical equipment necessary to assist in the mobility of the Life Insured, traditional medical treatment incurred for injuries resulting from an accident or illness due to dengue, malaria or Japanese Encephalitis (JE). The fee for medical report and/or postmortem report is also payable provided it is specifically required by the Company.
Hospital Income
A weekly benefit is payable for the period of hospitalization not exceeding 52 weeks and as a result of an accident requiring hospitalization in a registered hospital or government hospital.
Funeral Allowance
Pays lump sum to the Insured or Life Insured’s next-of-kin or legal personal representative in the event of death benefit is payable.
Hospital Visitation Allowance
Pays RM20 per day for the period of hospitalization not exceeding 50 days provided hospital income benefit is payable.
Ambulances Fees
Pays ambulance fees incurred consequent upon an accident up to RM500 per accident.
Home Nursing Care Charges
Pays up to RM500 per week subject to maximum 4 weeks for any nursing care services rendered by a qualified and registered nurse which are medically necessary for the Life Insured who is totally disabled as a result of an accident and who would otherwise be confined as a bed patient in a hospital.
Repatriation Expenses
In the event of accidental death of the Life Insured whilst he/she is travelling outside his/her country of residence, the Company shall reimburse the Insured or Life Insured’s next-of-kin or legal personal representative the actual, necessary and reasonable expenses incurred for the transportation of the mortal remains from the place where such death occurs to the first point of entry into country of residence.
Dental Correction And/Or Corrective Cosmetic Surgery
Pays up to RM5,000 for any additional expenses incurred for corrective dental and/or corrective surgical operation to the neck, head or chest (navel up) as a result of an accident.
Renewal Bonus
10% yearly increase on the original sum insured for death and permanent disablement benefits as renewal bonus up to a maximum of 50% if no claims are made. Once a claim is made, all renewal bonuses already granted will be forfeited and the sum insured for death and permanent disablement shall revert to the original sum insured on renewal. Renewal Bonus will again be granted at the same rate in the subsequent years.
Double Indemnity
Pays double the original sum insured for death or permanent total paralysis or permanent total loss/loss of use of 2 limbs if accident occurs whilst the Life Insured is travelling as a fare-paying passenger on any mode of public transport.
Personal Liability
Subject to the limit of liability, the Company will indemnify the Life Insured in respect of all sums he/she shall become legally liable to pay to third parties in respect of accidental bodily injury or accidental damage to property. The territorial limit of this benefit is within Malaysia only.
Classification of Occupations
Professions and occupations involving non-manual, administrative or clerical work, solely in offices or similar non-hazardous places.
Professions and occupations involving work of a supervisory nature or traveling outside office for purposes but not engaging in manual work.
Professions and occupations involving manual work and/or the use of tools or machinery.
Click here for list of occupations
General Exclusions
The policy does not cover war risks, existing physical or mental defect, suicide, self-injury, pregnancy or child-birth, hernia, HIV bacterial or viral infections, any disease or sickness, participation in a criminal act, professional sports, racing of any kind (other than on foot), caving, parachuting, hang gliding, hunting, mountaineering requiring ropes or guides, water-ski jumping, underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus.
This brochure is not a contract of insurance. The descriptions of the available cover are only a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The precise terms and conditions that apply are stated in the policy.